This has meant that not only have I not had chance to write my usual blog posts, I have also not had the chance to play much, either table-top roleplaying or Magic: the Gathering. However, with moving back at the end of next week, and being able to meet up with my gaming group more regularly I should soon have plenty of things to write about.
Coming up this weekend is the Lorien Trust's Gathering (not to be confused with MtG). This is the biggest event in the LT's calendar and I for one am really looking forward to getting back to Erdreja, along with the rest of the VKP. It looks like we may have a fifth member for this event which is great news (fingers crossed there Anna!), and our glorious leader Scrat should hopefully be full of both keen and command this event. On top of the usual excitement for a LARP event, I am extra excited as this will be the first time I have ever gone to an event having spent OSPs (the systems experience points) on my character. I should go from an adequate healer to one who is much more useful at both healing and holding my own in battle, and repairing hits to body and armour alike. If I can find some nifty new bits to add to my kit that will be even better!
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The VKP.... on a dry day! Octavian is hiding behind our glorious leader, Scrat... |
One of the issues we have with LARPing weekend events is the ever present threat of bad weather. However we are pretty lucky as a group, as we are only about 15 miles from the site so if things get too rough we can retire to our home town and get dry. This leaves us with what to do whilst the inclement weather gets it's self gone. The obvious answer? More gaming of course! Last time around, we got one day rained off so went home and played a session of Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil in Pathfinder; this time around I have a back up plan which consists of us going old school. My recent purchase of Twilight 2000 from RPG Now has meant we have a bit of a build up in enthusiasm for playing it, so if we get bad weather then I hope to get some characters rolled up and start exploring the landscape of post-WWIII Poland. Along with that I am sure there will be plenty of hands of MtG to test some of my decks with, and general beer to be drunk, friends to be chatted with and all the other fun LARP brings with it.