Thursday 22 May 2014

Larking about LARPing

So this weekend is the Lorien Trust's Great Erdrejan Fayrem the second mainline event in the LT's season, and the first one I will be attending. I always look forward to these events as a great way to spend time with my friends, relax, and get involved in some roleplay. However, there is just one problem with that list of three things: the roleplay. I will freely admit that I suck at it. I find it difficult to get into my character and stay in character for the whole weekend (or even one whole day of the weekend).

With the above in mind, I am going to set out this weekend to try and step up my roleplaying and see if I can do better. The leader of my group (Scrat, leader of the Valendian Knights of Peace) has a strong character identity and a good idea for a group identity (a disparate bunch of vagabonds an thugs, prepared to get our hands dirty so that other Lions don't have to). I think if we actually play up to this and make ourselves known, we would all enjoy the weekend more and feel less like we exist on the periphery of our faction.

I have some actual aims I would like to achieve this season, and the first of those would be to join up with the Healer's Guild, seeing as I am a healer. I think this might give me a chance to get to know people in character and expand my horizons. The second aim is to get out monstering some more: this means that for an hour or two I don't play my character but hand myself over to the plot team for use as an NPC body, most likely to get hacked to bits multiple times. I have often found this can be some of the most fun I have over the whole weekend and I feel like I should do more of it. The third aim is slightly more nebulous: it's to get my name known around the faction a little. I think that hanging around the centre of camp, rather than our own tents would help this one, so I may suggest it to our group. I may get none of these aims done, but at least I have some to work on.

The Valendian Knights of Peace: From Left to right are Scrat, Aurelian, Sable and.. dammit forgot George's IC name!
I hope that we get better weather tahn the reports are offering right now, and I plan to take some photos of the goings on, to do a post about them in the next couple of weeks. If anyone reads this and sees us in the field, then come say hi, there will be drinks in it for you I am sure! Enjoy your Bank Holiday weekends (if you are in the UK), I know I will.

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